Saturday 15 January 2011

Please, Publish Me!

If you have the time please publish me on websites such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, MySpace or any other communication websites. Thank You!

Friday 14 January 2011


I have created this post for people to communicate with each other to have various conversations about whatever you want!

Thursday 13 January 2011

Change of Plan

I have had a change of plan for my name, I'm just having one channel updated on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays I hope you enjoy it.
Don't be annoying and steal my name cause I will make video's called "SAM LAWCROFT" not because of whoever stole my name it's because the good times I've had blogging, and there will be catch to it, and it will be funny, I promise.

Wednesday 12 January 2011

Extra Channel?

I might make an extra-channel with my friends, we will do Parodies, Pranks and the most ambitious things you could imagine, I hope you keep updated into it.
It will called "TheLOLinkf"

Tuesday 11 January 2011

Idea Post

Here is a post I've sent up for you to think of idea's for some of my episodes, Hater, whats your idea (i think you should do an episode titled "i'm leaving") THAT'S IT! I'M REMOVING YOUR CHARACTER (wha wha why? i'm only answering your question!) ARRGGHH!!!! Anyway just put your answers in the comment section (below) that's copying RWJ! anyway your free to comment your answers.

Monday 10 January 2011

Scripted Review

Here is a review episode.
Hello people and here is an episode about cars getting smashed up, Here is Stephen, yes from greatest freak out ever and he's back to make us laugh more, and I think he's not happy with his car. Now is that me or is he a bit weird? anyway here is a little 7 year old smashing up another car with a... hammer! Now here are my conclusions, either they got it from a scrap-yard, they used they're own car, they bought a car just for that or they just went up to any old car and smashed it up, your choice. Anyway this is Sam Lawcroft speaking, we are over and out.

Sunday 9 January 2011

Recommended Channels

As you know I am a fan of YouTube and I know alot of channels, here are some recommended ones:
Does are one's people recommend. But here are one's recommend by me:
The reason I like RayWilliamJohnson and realannoyingorange is that they keep updated and think of countless jokes.
The reason I like chadmattandrob is they do fantastic interactive-games and good graphics.
The reason I like smosh is because of If ... Was Real, also the episodes are entertaining.
I hope when you check out these channels and enjoy them!

Saturday 8 January 2011

End Catchphrase

As you all know every YouTube phenomenon has their own End Catchphrase, Such as nigahiga with "TEEHEE", RayWilliamJohnson with "I Approve this Message" and Fred with "Peace out 'ome dawgs". After relising that nearly every YouTube famer uses this, I decided to create my own... "This is Sam Lawcroft speaking, We are over and out" Wasn't bad was it! (sam, it was the worst ending ever) I swear if you speak again in MY blog I will eat you... alive.
Anyway I hope you like it and be patient, only another 3 years to go! It isn't that long is it... Ok maybe it is.

Friday 7 January 2011


Well, lets quit the chatter, we weren't talking anyway... were we? huh:
MY NAME IS (all channels)
THE PARK (real)
Well those are the first two of each channel, I hope you enjoy them... in 3 years time!

Thursday 6 January 2011

What are you going to be doing on Fridays, Satardays and Sundays

Well thats a good question (no its a rubbish question) shut up Hater, its a good question, I will be commenting on as many comments as I can, if I get any comments... (you will be getting comments from me) Oh nice! (they will be hate comments) How did I guess.
Anyway theres my brief-in...
P.S. Actually I will comment on two, then get bored and go on Combat Arms, just kidding! but seriously.

Wednesday 5 January 2011

Welcome people

Hello and welcome to my blog running up my coming YouTube channels, here is what they will be call:
Yes Yes I know thats alot, but each one is a weekly thing WATCH on Mondays, REAL on Tuesdays, OWNED on Wednesdays and LOL on Thursdays I hope you can all watch them, keep updated with the site and yes, what do these mean, let me put you in...
WATCH - Reviewing videos (4 videos a week)
REAL - Behind the scenes (me doing what i do when im not recording)
OWNED - Me pranking family, friends and you, yes Im looking at you, the one with the dark hair...
LOL - Comedy (like fred, but not running about like an idiot)